Drug Free Communities

Drug Free Communities is administered by the White House Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), in partnership with the CDC Center of Disease Control, and is focused on decreasing underage drinking and substance use in Lawrence, Massachusetts.
These grants work toward decreasing substance abuse by building relationships with individuals and members of the community so that resources can be identified, developed and shared.
Drug Free Communities (DFC) Collaborative

The Lawrence Drug Free Communities (DFC) Program supports the LMCC community coalition working to reduce substance use and abuse among youth to create safer and healthier communities.
This collaborative program provides community and business organizations, resource partners, families, youth, schools, and law enforcement officials the ability to join forces to meet the local prevention needs of the Lawrence community. Lawrence was awarded the DFC grant in 2015 partnering with Family Services of the Merrimack Valley and Lawrence Methuen Community Coalition.
Under the direction of Evelyn Rodriguez, this grant continues to provide funding, resources, and support initiatives to prevent youth substance use, and abuse including prescription drugs, marijuana, tobacco and alcohol in Lawrence, Massachusetts. We have renewed the grant for another 5 years and are currently in our sixth year of this grant.
Chapter 84 – youth led, adult guided programs
Tobacco Free Tuesday/WE’ED Rather Not Wednesday
National Kick Butts Day Legislative visits
Youth Power Summit 84.org
Hidden in Plain Sight display/workshop
Tobacco Prevention Workshops and Skits
CADCA Core Leadership Development Training
Prevention Education Campaigns
Community Members

Members of the community work with the Lawrence Schools to not only decrease the number of young people who use alcohol and other drugs, but also to bring awareness to the community that most of the youth do not use any substances at all and thereby change the social norm of substance use amongst youth.
Youth empowerment and leadership development Alcohol, tobacco, and vaping compliance checks Policy changes and advocacy Mobilizing the Community for our movements and prevention initiatives.
Youth empowerment and leadership development​
Alcohol, tobacco, and vaping compliance checks
Policy changes and advocacy
Mobilizing the Community for our movements and prevention initiatives